Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pesce di Aprile!

The night before April 1st, we were asking our host mother during dinner if Italians do anything for April Fool's Day. She told us they do play a certain type of joke, which includes putting paper cutouts of fish on people's backs when they aren't looking, usually with funny names on them. "Pesce di Aprile" is what she said the day was called, because of these "fish jokes" people make. Kind of absurd, but fun.

Nicole and I saw a perfect opportunity. We decided to get our friend Alex the next day with a bunch of these paper fish, and went to work drawing and cutting out fish that said things like "Debole!" (Weak!) and "Stinky Stank" (a nickname we have for Alex, since his last name is Stankiewicz).

The next day, we all teamed up and put some on his back during Italian class. He found them pretty quickly, but wore them to the mensa (cafeteria) anyway, getting lots of chuckles from Italians passing by us in line. Photo evidence of our handiwork:

Alex still uses the fish as bookmarks.

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